How to repair SMART LED light up rainbow isis wings:
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Needed equipment |
How it look
Possible trouble
How to check
How to fix it
Why it happened
(1.1) Not work battery
Use voltmeter on battery, must show around 1.2v. Also you can check battery on different electronic device – if same nothing work – need to fix battery
Recharge battery.
Old ones batteries – many time used before or factory defect batteries
Change on new one.
Dont forgot – you can use just rechargeable batteryes 1.2V AA or AAA type
(1.2) Brocken main power T-plug connector
If you try plug in few times and wings some time blink in full blue
Try to bend metal parts for find good connection.
Change and resolder on new one.
T-plug manufacturer defect
Mechanical damage to T-plug
If you try bend plugged connector or slow plug them and wings are blink or glow in blue
(1.3) Broken battery holder box
Battery work good, but voltmeter on main power T-plug connector – show zero or almost zero
Try to roll battery inside battery holder box. It help to battery contact with metal parts on holder box and it start work.
Batteries are too wide and box hold it without connection
Fix battery in box with glue tape.
Battery too small and can easy lose contact or put of from box
Fix battery box by wires from repair kit. How to do it you can find on our blog –
Bad quality of battery box from manufacturer
Change battery box for new one
(1.4) Blackout effect first
Disconnect controller from wings and replug main power connector – must start glow in test mode – full blue
Do not need fix – just press button to change effect on next
(1.5) SD card empty or no SD card on controller
All was fine, but now not work, check please SD card – maybe you forgot put it inside controller.
Put card in controller and restart it – replug main power connector.
SD card not contain file config.txt.
Find last edit of firmware and update your controller, after create effects on our web page and put file on SD card.
Card was formatted by WIN or by other way.
(1.6) Cardholder was damaged
You can’t put SD card inside, or you see some damaged parts of cardholder.
resolder cardholder
How to do it you can find on our blog –
Many times turn Of SD card
Change firmware on edition without SD card
(2) Wings glow just in blue(can be some noise in begining of led chains)
(2.1) Not connected controller
Data connector on controller not connected to wings data input connector
Plug in controller to wings
Custom worker can take of controller for check, and not plug it back
(2.2) Controller don’t have power
If controller use external power supply – optional for wings with 330 or 510 leds
Charge and connect to controller 5V USB Power Bank. Plug in to microUSB connector directly on controller board.
Different product use different power system, based on direct order
When you connect controller to wings and nothing happens, also onboard led – not blink.
Check power on control board – must be around 5V, if not – check and fix power wires on data connector.
Mechanical damage to connector in shipping or working time
Power wires(red and black) on connector are broken
(2.3) Connection between controller and wings failed
Connection are look broken – some wires stay of and not connected
Fix connection – How to do it you can find on our blog –
Mechanical damage to connector in shipping or working time
Connector are broken, you can easy find some broken plastic parts of connector.
Change connector on new one.
How to do it you can find on our blog –
Mechanical damage to connector in shipping or working time
(3) Wings work but some part of leds are not work normally – show noise or just blue color(trouble starts after some good works part of leds)
(3.1) Broken data wire between leds
You can easy find last work led in chain. Data go linearly, leds after leds. After this is led start trouble. Also you can see unsoldered wire. Or you can warm Up glue and take of wire from led shell.
Resolder wire and fix shell.
How to do it you can find on our blog –
Mechanical damage to data wire or our company work defect
(3.2) One of led are broken
You can easy find last work led in chain. Data go linearly, leds after leds. After this is led start trouble. All wires connections looks good. But single led can look not good: black inside, glow every time in some color, body of led are broken or led show just noise.
Need to change this is led.
How to do it you can find on our blog –
Led manufacturer factory defect.
Mechanical damage to direct led in working time.
Our company work defect.
(3.3) Wrong firmware(patch of leds from different product)
you take controller from another product, or load bad version of software to your controller. look like work but some parts are work bad
Load newest version of firmware
(4) Half of wings work good second show some thing wrong, trouble starts from the controller.
(4.1) If you have wings with 165 leds(mirrored sides): it must be (3.1) or (3.2)
you can’t find last normally work led – because before you have just controller. But if half of wings work – we exactly now than controller are fine because in 165 leds model we use just one data output from controller.
use repair instruction for points (3.1) and (3.2) – look upper.
for (3.2) – change first led
(4.2) Broken data output wire inside controller
If you open plastic shell on controller – you can find some unsoldered wires. Pins 2,14 used in wings like are data for two half of wings.
resolder wires inside controller.
Mechanical damage to data wire or our company work defect
You plug another same controller to this wings and they work fine
(4.3) Burned output in controller main IC
Normally it can happens if some wires create short circuit on pcb. Or water gets into the controller.
This is happens very rarely
Change firmware for use other outputs, controller have total 8 outputs. For do it please contact your trade manager, because for do it need high skill in programming.
Mechanical damage to data wire or our company work defect
Change controller on new one
(5) Wings show some noise, effects not work. On the wings not work normally any led.
(5.1) same as (4.2)
(5.2) Not enough power to controller
If you check voltage on main power T-plug connector – voltmeter show les than 4.8V. For clear – you must check voltage when wings are work.
Change battery for new charged.
Low capacity batteries – we recommend use around 3000mA/h
Use external power supply, but if your wings not have this is option from begin – you must take of red wire from data connection. Because red wire connect together +5V on controller and on Wings. External power supply can’t give lot of power to wings.
(5.3) Battery charged too much
After recharge batteries – wings stop work. Before all was fine. effects freeze, buttons recognise but happens something strange.
Disconnect controller and give power to wigs. After few min batteries was little empty and controller start work normally.
Controller need just 5V for power, but some battery can be charged up to 1.42V – total around 5.7V – too more. Controller start work in safety mode and wings are crazy.
(5.4) config.txt file is wrong
After update firmware wings are not work correctly. Some effects work some not, or all not work.
Careful check last edition of configuration file. If you use own effects – please create it from begin on our web page. And put new config.txt file on SD card, replace old one.
After some update we change structure of config.txt file. If we do it – we change all pages for create new effects. And old ones files – stop work – or work not correct.
(5.5) Different firmware
After update firmware wings are not work correctly. Something work but not correct.
Careful check what firmware are you use for renew. Chose needed firmware – or ask your trade manager.
We have lot of product from “Smart” series, for all of them we have different firmware, also if you have unique design – you have personal folder on our FTP server.
(6) Buttons for change effects do not work
(6.1) Not working button
Easy way to fix it – cut button from wire, to clean wire shell and try to touch wire to wire. If effects changed – need change and resolder button – on new.
resolder button on new one – take button from repair kit.
Button manufacturer factory defect or Mechanical damage directly to button.
(6.2) Broken button wire inside controller
If you open plastic shell on controller – you can find some unsoldered wires. Pins 20,21 used in controller for buttons.
resolder wires inside controller.
Mechanical damage to data wire or our company work defect
You plug another same controller to this wings and they work fine
(6.3) Same as (1.5) and (1.6)
If firmware can’t read config.txt – we can’t change effects.
Thank you for reading from all our team – ETEREshop!!!