Dancers, circus and animation artists, party hosters, stilt walkers are always in demand for big events, premiers, parties and concerts. Yet finding an impressive and unique stage costume may be quite a challenge even in spite of apparent simplicity and a wide choice of forms and materials. Costume quality and ergonomics is yet another important question. Not all of great-looking programmable light up costumes for adults are so easy to control, some of them require at least some basic technical knowledge.
We’ve come up with a list of top LED costumes for male adult performers, some of them you can buy from ETERESHOP and other were designed and produced by other companies and designers.
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Top-30 Light Up Costumes for Adults 2021:
- How to Control Effects on Smart LED Stage Costumes
- Top-7 Light Up Costumes for Dancers
- Top-5 Light Up Costumes for Circus Artists and Gymnasts
- Top-9 Light Up Costumes for Musicians and Animation Artists
- Top-5 Smart Light Up Masks and Helmets
- Top-4 Light Up Costumes for Stilt Walkers
How to Control Effects on Smart LED Stage Costumes

It’s a default control option for all Smart light up costumes. There is no more than 2 small buttons to switch effects and 3 modes: manual, playlist (to predefine sequence of effects by seconds) and auto-switch mode (to set effects sequence that will switch effects automatically after a set amount of milliseconds).
Radio Remote Control
Radio remote control is your variant if your artists cannot be distracted from their performance and you need to control effects remotely, with no meters of cables around. You’ll be able to switch effects at a distance up to 2-100 meters ( 6,5- 328 feet) in open area. SD-card required.
DMX Control
DMX allows switching between up to 254 effects remotely, but you’ll need a special DMX console. Usually we use DMX control combined with radio and you’ll need a radio transmitter in this case. SD-card required.
Artnet control allows managing light up effects via Wi-Fi or LAN. To use this variant you’ll need a powerful router and a special licensed software (Madrix). It is possible to work at a distance of up to 20 meters and without any SD-card. It’s real time control but you need to be sure that there will be no other signal interference from other Wi-Fi spots.
Sound-reactive control is carried out thanks to a small microphone that reacts to loud sounds on stage and change brightness, speed or both brightness and speed with which light up effects change.
Top-7 Light Up Costumes for Dancers
LED costumes for dancers must have top ergonomics qualities and reliability. Active movements on stage are a great test for the quality of a costume. Not to make your show an utter failure you need to be sure that your costume won’t fall apart on stage and the light effects won’t come off.
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Source: @skeleton_dance_crew
- Key Characteristics: Shockproof and ergonomic – the base is made of elastic breathable fabric; Smart, each LED bulb can be controlled separately (SD card control mode) and preprogrammed at your PC beforehand.
- Amount of LEDs: 1500
- Operating time: Approx. 4 hours of continuous usage (depending on type and number of effects, density of LEDs, amount of batteries and/ or battery boxes)
- Control options: Remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control.
- Sizes available: made-to-measure
- Price: approx. USD 1.950
- Link to order
Smart light up screen armor costume with 4500+ LEDs by ETERESHOP consists of pants, a light up jacket and a helmet. Basically, it’s a large walking screen. Several costumes with synchronized used by a team of dancers produce even more striking effect. You can manage the show via a small button of a controller for changing effects or stand alone mode via laptop.
- Key Characteristics: Just one or two buttons to change effects; some light up pads are removable, so that the whole construction is comfortable enough to wear even during a long show; Smart – full control of each inividual LED; bright both at night and in the daylight; effects can be synchronized with music; sound reactive.
- Amount of LEDs: 4500+
- Operating time: approx. 1 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects and customer’s wish)
- Control options: Remote, synchronized, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control.
- Capacity: 9-960 Watts; nominal power – 230 Watts
- Sizes available: made-to-measure
- Price: approx. USD 2.622
- Link to order
The amount of LEDs, their brightness and arrangement as well as the form of a glowing suit can differ drastically. For example, the complete light up costume “Silent Hill” consists of several parts but even the vest from this costume look impressive enough to be used as a separate suit for a show.
High quality adult costumes “Silent Hill” -
Programmable LED Cage Ves
The whole “Silent Hill” costume includes a vest, sleeves and a helmet. LEDs on a costume include super bright ones which can have lenses of diffused light of different diameter. LED helmet and sleeves can be removed and programmable vests are also very popular for light up shows among teams of dancers as nothing restrains your movements.
- Key Characteristics: Has LEDs of two types, including super bright ones which can have lenses of diffused light of different diameters. The whole “Silent Hill” costume includes a vest, sleeves and a helmet. LED helmet and sleeves can be removed and programmable vests are also very popular for light up shows among teams of dancers as nothing restrains your movements; sound reactive and effects can be synchronized with music.
- Amount of LEDs: 5000 (full costume)
- Operating time: approx. 1 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Remote, synchronized, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control.
- Capacity: 9-960 Watts; nominal power – 230 Watts
- Sizes available: made-to-measure
- Price: approx. USD 3.006
- Buy High quality adult costume “Silent Hill”
LED Pixel Costume “Predator” -
LED Costume “Predator”
- Key Characteristics: Wireless control, professional software for creating animation is included, consists of an elastic solid jumpsuit, is unisex and can stretch to different sizes, Smart.
- Amount of LEDs: 2500
- Control options: Remote, synchronized, DMX control, stand-alone control.
- Capacity: 5-500 Watts; nominal power – 150 W
- Sizes available: made-to-measure
- Price: approx. USD 2.900
- Link to order
Other LED costumes can cover the whole body of an artist like a second skin. Make sure that you can breath in such suits easily and whether you can wash it or, at least, some parts of it for the sake of hygiene and your comfort.
If you are planning a light up dance show, why not to make use of the latest trends? The fact that your costume glows in the dark isn’t enough. Programmable light up costume is a must if you want to compete with other show and dance groups. You can use a complicated sequence of effects synchronized on several costumes to produce even more striking effect and support the main theme of your show.
Smart luminous cage costume “Do-Maru” has almost bright 2100 LEDs placed on a helmet, light up sleeves, ‘leds’ and a middle ‘dress’ part. It’s a unisex glowing costume and thus is a reasonable investment if you have a team of both male and female dancers or animation artists. The new model of a “Do-Maru” costume is made on plastic instead of rigilene to make it more affordable while retaining its reliability combined with flexibility.
- Key Characteristics: Full costume consists of a helmet, sleeves and a middle part and each of them can be used separately (wireless technology) and for different body sizes. Unisex, Smart, lightweight and a new model is made of flexible and lightweight plastic. You’ll get full control over each individual LED, it’s easy to choose and grab effects for thr costume. Synchronization with a stage and music and text scrolling isn’t a problem as well.
- Amount of LEDs: 2100+
- Operating time: approx. 1 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control; each costume part can be controlled separately and each will have an individual controller.
- Capacity: 3-400 Watts; nominal power – 90 W
- Sizes available: made-to-measure
- Price: approx. USD 1.381
- Link to order
Music reactive light up suits or LED outfits synchronized with the stage (screens, lighting, the scrypt of the show) is yet another option. Such shows will stay in memory for a long time and turn your efforts into success and profit.
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Sources: @sprut_show & @peasok
Orc LED pixel costume are made of transparent acrylic mirrors and 1500 smart pixel light bulbs. They include full-body shields and masks for dancers.
- Key Characteristics: Syncs with music and can display logos, animation, or text. Body shields and mask of the LED costume are covered with transparent acrylic mirror surface.
- Amount of LEDs: 1500
- Control options: Remote, synchronized, DMX control, stand-alone control.
- Capacity: 3-288 Watts; nominal power – 70 W
- Sizes available: made-to-measure
- Price: approx. USD 5.600
- Link to order
Since your show program may be quite complicated you may need different options high quality adult costumes to control effects on your light up costume. You can use DMX radio control and time list to control and switch effects. Thus, you’ll be able to focus more attention on the quality of your performance and not on effects control. But still, if you prefer not to take your hands off the situation, you can opt for manual control.
- Key Characteristics: Shockproof, Smart, lightweight, flexible and easy to operate via a computer or manually; bright both at night and in the daylight; effects can be synchronized with music; sound reactive.
- Amount of LEDs: 2500
- Operating time: approx. 1 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control (1 controller).
- Capacity: 3-480 Watts; nominal – 130 W
- Sizes available: made-to-measure
- Price: approx. USD 2.392
- Link to order
Approximate price for this types of light up costumes for male adults: $1,381 – $5,600
Top-5 Light Up Costumes for Circus Artists and Gymnasts
Costumes for circus artists as gymnasts require no less ergonomics than light up suits for dancers but they also needs to be as flexible as possible.
White luminous costume for aerial, acrobat and dance shows. It’s flexible and light, made-to-measure for each client individually to ensure maximum comfort. Each LED is controlled separately which enables creation of various effects for your performance.
- Key Characteristics: Flexible, lightweight, shockproof and Smart – with full control of each LED; unisex and made on elastic breathable fabric; effects can be synchronized with music and a stage.
- Amount of LEDs: 300+
- Operating time: approx. 1 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control, Artnet, automatically switching effects.
- Capacity: 1-58 Watts; nominal power – 15 W
- Sizes available: L, M, S, XL, XS, XXL
- Price: approx. USD 1.643
- Link to order
Another quality that is a ‘must’ for this type of costumes is endurance because of active movements and risky gymnastic tricks associated with falling, jumps and hits if an artist performs with a partner. Handmade or suspiciously cheap LED costumes would hardly have such qualities.
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Smart Light Up Costume by ETERESHOP
Just like LED dance costumes, light up suits for acrobats and aerial artists can be fully closed or look like a leotard with uncovered head.
Light up pixel costume for dancers and gymnasts consists of a one-piece jumpsuit from white fabric. The suit can be made with different number and dencity of LEDs according to client’s needs.
Luminous costumes for acrobats and circus artists are manually operated but they can be synchronized with music or timeline.
- Key Characteristics: Consists of a white elastic solid jumpsuit; Smart and can be fully customized; effects can be synchronized with music; sound reactive.
- Amount of LEDs: 3000+
- Operating time: approx. 1 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control.
- Capacity: 138-576 Watts
- Sizes available: made-to-measure
- Price: approx. USD 3.363
- Link to order
Waterproof flyboards is a separate category of costumes, yet you may want to try such a costume if your shows are connected with water, since other LED light up costumes can hardly guarantee your safety during such performances.
- Key Characteristics: Smart and fullcolor solution, waterproof, unisex and shockproof. It’s bright both in daylight and at night. Full control over each LED with just two buttons to switch them. Effects can be synchronized with music. Battery with indicator and protection.
- Amount of LEDs: 400+
- Operating time: approx. 1,5 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Stand-alone control (1 controller), automatically switching effects.
- Capacity: 18-77 Watts
- Sizes available: L (height: 170 cm, 180 cm), M (height: 160 cm, 170 cm), XL (height: 170 cm, 180 cm, 190 cm)
- Price: approx. USD 2.114 – 2.816 (different components available)
- Link to order
Flyboard light up suit by ETERESHOP is waterproof, ergonomic and has just two controller buttons to switch and turn on/ off effects. There are several models of LED flyboard costumes in our shop availble, including Tron style light up suits. Tron style suits have about 300 LEDs to customize your own glow LED light effects for a show.
- Key Characteristics: Smart and fullcolor solution, waterproof, unisex and shockproof. It’s bright both in daylight and at night. Full control over each LED with just two buttons to switch them; is sound reactive and light up effects can be synchronized with a stage and music. Battery with indicator and protection.
- Amount of LEDs: 350-400+
- Operating time: approx. 1,5 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Stand-alone control (1 controller), automatically switching effects.
- Capacity: 2-80 Watts; nominal power – 20 W
- Sizes available: L (height: 170 cm, 180 cm), M (height: 160 cm, 170 cm), XL (height: 170 cm, 180 cm, 190 cm)
- Price: approx. USD 2.114 – 2.816 (different components available)
- Link to order
LED Smart pixel dance costumes can have different number of LEDs as well as their density. Since they are made of black fabric with bright LEDs on it, during a show in a dim light it will look as if impersonal silhouettes composed of LED light bulbs move on stage.
- Key Characteristics: Smart and full color solution; unisex and made on elastic breathable fabric; enables full anonimity for a performer; effects can be synchronized with music; sound reactive.
- Amount of LEDs: 300+
- Operating time: Approx. 1 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control control, Artnet, automatically switching effects.
- Capacity: 2-60 Watts; nominal power -20 W
- Sizes available: L, M, S, XL, XXL
- Price: approx. USD 1.192 – 1.962 (different software components available)
- Link to order
Since circus artists are usually a part of a big show, their glowing costumes need to be quick and easy to take off and to operate while they are working. If you pick a costume with complicated control system your artists need to have basic knowledge about technical side of such costumes or be quick to learn.
Approximate price for this types of light up costumes for male adults: $1,192 – $3,363
Top-9 Light Up Costumes for Musicians and Animation Artists
Musicians, DJs and party hosters usually stay on stage where most eyes of the audience are directed at most of the show. But how can they attract even more attention and stand out from the whole crew on stage (dancers, back-vocals, other musicians if it’s a band, etc.) as a sentra figure?
Black light up jackets by ETERESHOP have 500+ bright LEDs and are availbale in several variations, including custom made jackets with luminous logos or artist’s name. Independent work mode does not require a computer or other control devices for work, so a performer just needs to run the program to make the costume start to work.
- Key Characteristics: Smart, bright and made of top-quality eco leather; black lining that can be removed and washed; neopixels have diameter of about 5 mm and are extra-bright; apart from ‘Sun’ and ‘Star’ options, LEDs can be placed in any form and quantity to form a pattern you like; effects can be synchronized with music; sound reactive.
- Amount of LEDs: 500
- Operating time: approx. 1 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control, automatically switching effects.
- Capacity: 3-96 Watts; nominal power – 20 W
- Sizes available: made-to-measure
- Price: approx. USD 1.368 -1.588
- Link to order
Modern entertainers have a wide choice of unusual costumes. Light up costumes have occupied a pequliar niche among them. They are bright and attract all attention to the performer. Yet, just like all the other costumes on the list they have their own peculiarities.
Smart LED light up jackets and vests by ETERESHOP can have predefined pattern of LEDs placement or full custom made like leather jackets with customized logo or a stage name of a customer.
- Key Characteristics: Smart, bright and made of top-quality eco leather; black lining that can be removed and washed; neopixels have diameter of about 5 mm and are extra-bright; effects can be synchronized with music; sound reactive.
- Amount of LEDs: 350+
- Operating time: approx. 1 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control, automatically switching effects.
- Capacity: 3-96 Watts; nominal power – 20 W
- Sizes available: made-to-measure
- Price: approx. USD 1.368
- Link to order
DJs and musicians move a lot while performing and part of their body may be hidden behind instruments so they probably may go for vests. Light up vests won’t restrain their movements yet will make them noticeable.
LED jackets and vests may differ a lot. The amount of LEDs, their placement, brightness and density – all can be customized or you can try to find a read-made costume with necessary characteristics.
Custom-made glowing outfit with LEDs placed in a way that they form your brand or stage name, your motto or show’s title if you want it to be memorized and to get it captured in photos and videos from an event.
Programmable LED vest have same characteristics as light up jackets but with less LED bulbs – just 400 instead of 500.
- Key Characteristics: Smart, bright and made of top-quality eco leather; effects can be synchronized with music; sound reactive.; has black lining that can be removed and washed; neopixels have diameter of about 5 mm and are extra-bright.
- Amount of LEDs: 350+
- Operating time: approx. 1 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control, automatically switching effects.
- Capacity: 2-96 Watts; nominal power – 20 W
- Sizes available: made-to-measure
- Price: approx. USD 1.083
- Link to order
Optic fiber jacket if your choice if you want to glow but don’t need any complicated light up effects to be displayed on your costume.
Luminous costumes made of optic fiber are not that bright but look great if you need soft light on your costumes.
- Key Characteristics: More than 1 mile of optic fiber; glowing parts are made of 2 separately operating high density high-tech layers of optic fiber; can be hand washed.
- Amount of LEDs: – (optic fiber)
- Operating time: up to 16 hours
- Control options: Lighting modes which can be operated by android or IOS mobile application from a phone.
- Sizes available: S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL
- Price: approx. USD 429 – 1300
- Link to order
Vest and jackets by ETERESHOP can be controlled manually or sound activated. Extended time of working and the ability to program effects to make them light up according to timeline serve to make your show work like a clock.
HD light up vests and jackets is another level of costumes since you are able to show even complicated images, texts and light up effects or even grab them with the help of a Screen Grabber software if we are speaking about luminous outfits by ETERESHOP.
Animation artist comprise an extensive list of entertainers dealing with public at various events and in different conditions: outdoors, on stage, late night or on a sunny day and so on. Since their shows may vary strikingly, their costumes can be completely different as well.
- Key Characteristics: High density of LEDs for clearly visible effects including text and logos; classic style; does not restrict movements; Smart – you’ll have a full control over each LED; effects can be synchronized with music; sound reactive.
- Amount of LEDs: 850+
- Operating time: approx. 1 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control, automatically switching effects.
- Capacity: 4-163 W; nominal power – 40 W
- Sizes available: made-to-measure
- Price: approx. USD 770
- Link to order
As for light up costumes for adult animator artists, it would be better to choose HD or Ultra HD costumes or masks. High density of LEDs on them give a possibility to add up more ‘juice’ to your show by adding texts, logos, videos or images to your performance. Relevant visual content will accentuate your show.
Logos and texts like mottos are always a great idea if you are performing at a thematic event and branding is one of the key moments your customer if focused on.
- Key Characteristics: LEDs placed so densely that they form real screens are perfect for light up effects with logos and texts; effects can be synchronized with music; sound reactive and Smart; the jacket contains not only WS LEDs, but also super-bright neopixels with lenses of larger diameter.
- Amount of LEDs: 1600 (including extra-bright neopixels)
- Operating time: approx. 1 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control, automatically switching effects.
- Capacity: 6-307 Watts; nominal power – 50 W
- Sizes available: made-to-measure
- Price: approx. USD 1.347
- Link to order
If you want to go for more you don’t need to limit yourself to light up jackets or vests. Smart LED masks and helmets can be used for your goals as well. Programmable LED helmet allows picking your own effects and show emojis right on your head. You won’t be a passive mannequin as well, as you’ll be able to see through and act with lighted head. Such glowing helmets and LED masks look especially relevant on Halloween or New Year’s parties.
Ultra HD screen costume by ETERESHOP is unisex and can be called a true walking logo since it has 11k+ bright LEDs to show light up effects of any complexity including videos, texts and images. All in all it has 6 light up plates that form a helmet, a top and a lower part of a costume.
- Key Characteristics: 6 pannels with ultra high density placement of LEDs to show effects, images and texts of any complexity; effects can be synchronized with music; sound reactive; text scrolling.
- Amount of LEDs: 11000
- Operating time: approx. 1+ hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control, automatically switching effects (as option of controllers).
- Capacity: 969-4032 Watts
- Sizes available: made-to-measure
- Price: approx. USD 1.187
- Link to order
Unisex light up costumes for adults can save some money for entertainment agencies or teams of artists as both male and female dancers and artists can use them depending from the show scenario and the cast. For example, we’ve designed light up costumes with ultra HD panels that can be worn by adult artists of both sexes.
- Key Characteristics: Densely placed LEDs form a large screen on the back with extra-bright neopixels of larger diameter serving as a frame. Personalization of effects that are easy to grab with a help of special software; Smart, effects can be synchronized with music; sound reactive.
- Amount of LEDs: 1650+ (including extra-bright neopixels)
- Operating time: approx. 1 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control, time list, automatically switching effects.
- Capacity: 3-317 Watts; nominal power – 63 W
- Sizes available: made-to-measure
- Price: approx. USD 1.929
- Link to order
Outfits made of Infinity mirror look stunning thanks to the effect of never-ending depth when it seems that a costume seems to consist of endless tunnels. Those are not just ordinary outfits glowing in the darkness. It’s a new cutting-edge trend in stage costumes.
Vests made of Infinity mirrors do not restrict movements although, depending on the model, they can be relatively volumetric, so they can be used by DJs or musicians and dancers will probably need an alternative smaller version of a costume.
- Key Characteristics: Made of 50 Infinity mirror blocks, lightweight and unisex; do not restrict movements and easy to operate (can be operated remotely). The form can be altered up to your needs; bright both at night and in the daylight; effects can be synchronized with music; sound reactive.
- Amount of LEDs: 1300+
- Operating time: approx. 1 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control, automatically switching effects.
- Capacity: 3-250 Watts; nominal power – 50 W
- Sizes available: uni-size
- Price: approx. USD 1,899
- Link to order
Approximate price for this types of light up costumes for male adults: $429 – $1,929
Top-5 Smart Light Up Masks and Helmets
Smart light up masks and helmets are easy to put on and take off, unisex and can be matched by different outfits: sexy, formal, light up, mirror, etc. Masks and helemts with densely placed LEDs allow showing complicated effects, emojis and even texts, like on examples below. They can me spherical or cover just a part of a face.
Smart LED screen helmet by ETERESHOP is a spherical screen great for texts and emojis demonstration. It’s easy to see through it, so there are no difficulties for an artist to present an unforgettable show.
- Key Characteristics: Smart technology enables creation of comploicated effects and showign not just emojis but also text and some logos on the helmet; effects can be synchronized with music; sound reactive; lightweight and transparent, crack resistant, so it’s easy to look through it; allows full anonymity; text scroll.
- Amount of LEDs: 1300+
- Operating time: approx. 1 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control, automatically switching effects.
- Capacity: 3-250 Watts; nominal power – 50 W
- Sizes available: uni-size
- Price: approx. USD 522
- Link to order
- Key Characteristics: Smart, bright and ergonomic; transparent, so it’s easy to look through it for an artist; allows full anonymity; effects can be easily grabbed and synchronized with a stage and music.
- Amount of LEDs: 350+
- Operating time: approx. 1 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control control, Artnet, automatically switching effects.
- Capacity: 1-67 Watts; nominal power – 20 W
- Sizes available: uni-size
- Price: approx. USD 387
- Link to order
Make sure that it’s easy to look through just masks, as otherwise you won’t be able to perform and move on stage freely.
- Key Characteristics: New Smart light up helmet is made on white plasic (soon there will be a model on black plastic); an updated model, lightweight and easy to wear. Enables anonymity; effects can be synchronized with music and a stage; sound reactive.
- Amount of LEDs: 1200+
- Operating time: approx. 1 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control control.
- Capacity: 2-230 Watts; nominal power – 45 W
- Sizes available: uni-size
- Price: approx. 584 USD
- Link to order
- Key Characteristics: Smart, lightweight, ergonomic and transparent – easy to look through it for an artist. Enables anonymity; effects can be synchronized with a stage and music; sound reactive.
- Amount of LEDs: 1100+
- Operating time: approx. 1 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control control.
- Capacity: 2-211 Watts; nominal power – 45 W
- Sizes available: uni-size
- Price: approx. USD 1.028
- Link to order
Masks made of optic fiber are lightweight, colorful, water resistant and have multiple color modes. They are cheaper than Smart masks and helmets with LEDs, but you won’t be able to demonstrate any complicated luminous effects.
- Key Characteristics: Available in white and black colors, one-button control to switch colors and pulse modes, light-weight, water-resistant.
- Amount of LEDs: – (optic fiber)
- Operating time: up to 16 hours
- Control options: One-button remote control.
- Sizes available: uni-size
- Price: approx. USD 79
- Link to order
Approximate price for this types of light up costumes for male adults: $79 – $1028
Top-4 Light Up Costumes for Stilt Walkers
Stilt walkers literally stand out from a crowd at any event. LEDs on a stilt walker costume make it an inevitable target for selfies and videos at any event.
- Key Characteristics: Smart, flexible and light to make it easy for a stilt man artist to perform. Enabled anonymity. Large quantity of LEDs placed on several pads form a large walking screen to demonstrate complicated effects that will be cleraly visible and easily-read even from a distance; effects can be synchronized with music; sound reactive; text scrolling.
- Amount of LEDs: 10000+
- Operating time: approx. 1 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control control.
- Capacity: 20-1920 Watts; nominal power – 350 W
- Sizes available: made-to-measure
- Price: approx. USD 3.906 – 4.939 (different helmet types available)
- Link to order
LED stilt walkers costumes by ETERESHOP are available with 2000+ and 10000+ LEDs or can be customized. We can upload 100+ effects or you can choose and record them by yourself. LEDs form screens right on the costume and a stilt walker who towers over the audience is clearly visible to demonstrate any logos, texts or images.
- Key Characteristics: Smart; unisex and anonymous, bright and made on elastic breathable fabric for performer’s comfort; text scrolling; synchronization with music and a stage.
- Amount of LEDs: 2000+
- Operating time: approx. 1 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control control.
- Capacity: 3-384 Watts; nominal power – 5 W
- Sizes available: made-to-measure
- Price: approx. USD 2.396
- Link to order
LED stilt walkers costumes by ETERESHOP consist of a jacket, trousers and a helmet. Thousands of LEDs (up to 10k+) turns such a stilt walker costume into a huge walking screen.
- Key Characteristics: One-color; unisex and anonymous, bright and flexible.
- Amount of LEDs: 2000+
- Operating time: approx. 1 hour and more (depending on type and number of effects)
- Control options: Remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control control.
- Capacity: 92-384 Watts
- Sizes available: made-to-measure
- Price: approx. USD 1.884
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As a stilt walker you would like your costume to be light, flexible and made of breathable materials if possible as you need to move freely in it and feel comfortable enough to move on stilts among guests.
- Key Characteristics: Shockproof, remote RF radio frequency wireless control (max. distance 15 m.), ultra bright LED bulbs of 6th generation and elastic breathable fabric, and powered by 10000mAh rechargeable batteries that last approximately 4 hours of continuous usage.
- Amount of LEDs: 3000
- Operating time: approx. 4 hours and more
- Control options: Remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control control.
- Capacity: 6-576 Watts; nominal power – 90 W
- Sizes available: made-to-measure
- Price: approx. USD 9.200
- Link to order
Approximate price for this types of light up costumes for male adults: $1,884 – $9,200
All products compared
Product | Amount of LEDs | Control options | Capacity | Time of work (hours) | Sizes available | Approx. price (USD) |
LED Skeletons | 1500 | remote, RF radio frequency wireless, DMX, stand-alone | 4+ | made-to-measure | 1.950 | |
Smart LED Screen Armor | 4500+ | remote, synchronized, RF radio frequency wireless, DMX, stand-alone | 9-960 Watts; nominal power – 230 Watts | 1+ | made-to-measure | 2.622 |
Smart LED Costume “Silent Hill” | 5000 (full costume) | remote, synchronized, RF radio frequency wireless DMX, stand-alone | 9-960 Watts; nominal power – 230 Watts | 1+ | made-to-measure | 3.006 |
LED Costume “Predator” | 2500 | remote, synchronized, DMX control, stand-alone | 5-500 Watts; nominal power – 150 W | made-to-measure | 2.900 | |
LED Cage Costume “Do-Maru” | 2100+ | remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX, stand-alone | 3-400 Watts; nominal power – 90 W | 1+ | made-to-measure | 1.381 |
LED Costume “Sprut” | 1500 | remote, synchronized, DMX control, stand-alone | 3-288 Watts; nominal power – 70 W | made-to-measure | 5.600 | |
Smart LED Armor | 2500 | remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX, stand-alone | 3-480 Watts; nominal – 130 W | 1+ | made-to-measure | 2.392 |
White Smart LED Aerialist Suit | 300+ | remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX, stand-alone, Artnet | 1-58 Watts; nominal power – 15 W | 1+ | L, M, S, XL, XS, XXL | 1.643 |
White LED Dance Costume | 3000+ | remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone | 138-576 Watts | 1+ | made-to-measure | 3.363 |
Smart LED Flyboard Tron Suit | 400+ | stand-alone control (1 controller) | 18-77 Watts | 1,5+ | L, M, XL | 2.114 – 2.816 (different components available) |
LED Flyboard Suit “Spatium” | 350-400+ | stand-alone control (1 controller) | 2-80 Watts; nominal power – 20 W | 1,5+ | L, M, XL | 2.114 – 2.816 (different components available) |
Smart LED Pixel Leotard | 300+ | remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX, stand-alone, Artnet | 2-60 Watts; nominal power – 20 W | 1+ | L, M, S, XL, XXL | 1.192 – 1.962 (different software components available) |
LED Jacket “Star”/ “Sun” | 500 | remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control | 3-96 Watts; nominal power – 20 W | 1+ | made-to-measure | 1.368 -1.588 |
Light Up Logo Jacket | 350+ | remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX, stand-alone | 3-96 Watts; nominal power – 20 W | 1+ | made-to-measure | 1.368 |
LED Leather Vest | 350+ | remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX, stand-alone | 2-96 Watts; nominal power – 20 W | 1+ | made-to-measure | 1.083 |
Luminous Optic Fiber Jacket | – (optic fiber) | operated by Android or iOS mobile app | USD 429 – 130 | 15+ | S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL | 429 – 1300 |
Smart LED Screen Vest | 850+ | remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone | 4-163 W; nominal power – 40 W | 1+ | made-to-measure | 770 |
Smart LED Screen Jacket | 1600 (including extra-bright pixels) | remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control | 6-307 Watts; nominal power – 50 W | 1+ | made-to-measure | 1.347 |
Ultra HD Logo Costume | 11000 | remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX, stand-alone | 969-4032 Watt | 1+ | made-to-measure | 1.187 |
Smart LED Vest with a Screen | 1650+ | remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone control, time list | 3-317 Watts; nominal power – 63 W | 1+ | made-to-measure | 1.929 |
Light Up Infinity Mirror Vest | 1300+ | remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone | 3-250 Watts; nominal power – 50 W | 1+ | uni-size | 1,899 |
LED Helmet “Sphere” | 1300+ | remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX, stand-alone | 3-250 Watts; nominal power – 50 W | 1+ | uni-size | 522 |
Smart LED Rainbow Mask | 350+ | remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX, stand-alone, Artnet | 1-67 Watts; nominal power – 20 W | 1+ | uni-size | 387 |
White LED Helmet “Sphere” | 1200+ | remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone | 2-230 Watts; nominal power – 45 W | 1+ | uni-size | 584 |
Light Up Screen Sphere | 1100+ | remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX, stand-alone | 2-211 Watts; nominal power – 45 W | 1+ | uni-size | 1.028 |
Optic Fiber Mask ‘Divinity’ | – (optic fiber) | one-button remote control | 15+ | uni-size | 79 | |
Smart LED Stilt Walker | 10000+ | remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone | 20-1920 Watts; nominal power – 350 W | 1+ | made-to-measure | 3.906 – 4.939 (different helmet types available) |
Stilt Walker Costume | 2000+ | remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone | 3-384 Watts; nominal power – 5 W | 1+ | made-to-measure | 2.396 |
LED Stilt Walker | 2000+ | remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone | 92-384 Watts | 1+ | made-to-measure | 1.884 |
LED Cyborg Suit | 3000 | remote, RF radio frequency wireless control, DMX control, stand-alone | 6-576 Watts; nominal power – 90 W | 4+ | made-to-measure | 9.200 |