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The Broken Mirror Man Costume
Who need a mirror man costume:
Today it is almost impossible to imagine our world without creative professions. Event agencies, living statues, circus performers, animators, theater artists. All these people make our daily life more colorful and interesting.

Of course, the most important attribute of any creative performance is not only the setting and external attributes. But also the costume. In any creative profession, a suit plays a very important role. As it is designed not only to create an intriguing image. But also to emphasize the creative individuality of any artist.

Among the many diverse and intriguing images on our website, the costume of a mirror man deserves special attention.

Artists in mirror man costumes can serve as a living photo zone. They set the tone for any event and start your holiday with vivid impressions. With their presence, mirror people costumes will be able to decorate the waiting time for guests before the festive banquet. Optical illusions and unusual costumes of mirror people will delight absolutely everyone!

Or just imagine how many emotions a dance in a mirror man suit will cause! Mirror people simply move incredibly.  They can turn any dance into a full-fledged optical show. That will remain in the memory of every viewer for a long time!

Dancers in a mirror man costume would also be appropriate at any theme party. At a birthday party, at Halloween, at a festive banquet.

Mirror Man Costume is a novelty that surprises and fascinates absolutely any audience. At the present time, a very popular profession is the profession of a living statue. A living glass statue is surprising. Of course, it does not leave passers indifferent. Posing on the main streets of almost all cities in the world in the form of a statue is not only a very popular. But also a very difficult profession. That is why a significant role in this profession is played not only by the showiness of the costume. But also by its comfort and practicality.
Mirror family costumes from Etereshop
Our mirror family suits not only attract attention, but also have an increased degree of comfort. Which has a positive effect on the quality and duration of your performance. High-quality material and a special technology for gluing each mirror element create maximum comfort. And do not hinder the artist’s movements. When designing mirror family suits, each detail is cut individually. Which makes each outfit unique and inimitable. And also creates the effect of broken glass.
Choosing the size of the mirror man
Each mirror man outfit is designed individually. Taking into account the parameters of your physique. We offer you not only a mirror outfit. And also a variety of mirror accessories. That will help complement and diversify your image. Taking into account your wishes, we will make a mirror outfit for men, women, teenagers and children. We can also make outfits for the whole family! You can purchase a silver mirror suit. If you want, we will make a golden mirror suit for you.

It is important mirror man outfit it not only emphasizes the creative individuality of the artist. It also must be comfortable, practical. All these qualities are combined in our costumes. By purchasing which you also get guarantees for the durability of the costumes and an unforgettable experience!

You can buy a mirror man outfit online on the ETEREshop website. To clarify the details of delivery to the USA, Canada, Great Britain, write to the managers by mail sales@etereshop.com  and they will inform the delivery time.

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