
Face Masks

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Masquerade Face Masks Creative Designs

Masquerade face masks for performances have been a familiar stage accessory for long. And they, like everything else, can be widely diversified.

Half – face Masks Designs and Options for show and parties

They variegate from mirror silver or gold ones to designed accessory on the face with spikes or rhinestones or cool designed face masks with feathers or other decorating elements.

Full Face Masquerade Masks with Different Effects

More complex designer masks for performances are full-face masks with light effects or without them. Such LED masquerade masks can cover the entire face and can serve as a screen on which you can get various lighting effects, from inscriptions and logos to a customizable play of light.

Incredible 3D Masks with Light Effects

Another option for fantastic accessory on the face design art is 3D full face masks that turn even the simplest costume into a cool stage image. Incredible accessory on the face are designed  in the form of animals, demons, raves,  birds, insects, fantasy creatures. There is no limit to imagination and possibilities.

Creative Face Mask Designs and characteristics

Well, the absolute feature of all full-face masquerade masks designs is the ability to combine different effects in one. Mirror and LED, mirror and 3D, 3D and light effects. Technology today allows you to produce more and more complex and interesting images. And at the same time, the fashion and creative masquerade face masks are easy to care for and quite durable and impact resistant. All masks are unisex and unisize. They are washable and easy to use. We send a repair kit with each mask and an instruction how to use it. Your task is to make a call or write a letter to order the designer mask for your performances. We will do the rest.

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