These anxious and unusual times bring unforeseen difficulties to all spheres of our lives. The coronavirus pandemic and quarantine is affecting most businesses in a variety of ways. From self-isolation and remote work to complete loss of business. Things are changing fast during the COVID-19 outbreak and businesses are being forced to adapt.
Event entertainment, mass gatherings, shows and other similar fields do not belong to crucial necessities when world is in panic facing world’s pandemic. Fashion shows and concerts are cancelled and postponed, some paid activities move to online if possible.
How to survive these hard times if you are a part of event entertainment? Is it possible to benefit from this situation?
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We at ETERESHOP understand your hardships like no one else. Our team has worked out several options for you not only to survive this crisis, but to get advantage of it and get back on track after it sooner than your rivals once this all is over.
The first option is to buy our costumes ‘by installments’: pay 20-30% of the total costume cost now, and 70-80% later, when the quarantine is over.

This quarantine is hitting us too: 50+ creative heads are waiting for their salaries to survive and we don’t get many orders these days. That’s why we are ready to pay them during the production process. And you’ll give us that sum later, right before the shipping.
This first payment will be used just for materials to start working on your product. You don’t have to pay for work of our team at once, we do it ourselves. The remaining sum can be paid when the quarantine is over, borders are open and event-entertainment is ready to flourish again.
Pay for materials, wait till the quarantine is over or you are ready to renew your activity, pay the rest of the sum for our work and get your costume.
We’ll work on your costume production while the rest of the world is in panic, self-isolating and thinking of ways to overcome this dilemma. Once it’s ready we’ll store it to send ASAP when the COVID-19 quarantine is over after you pay the remaining sum.
So you’ll be among the first ones to get new costumes to resume your activity in full mode and restore.
Silver Butterfly Wings by ETERESHOP -
Smart Pixel Dress on Plastic Base